Yes, we’d love some help!
I’d Love to Volunteer!
I understand that my participation in the Morgan Hill Freedom Fest 4th of July events is a voluntary activity and that I am donating my time and my labor by my own free choice. I agree to perform my assigned tasks in a responsible manner. In consideration of being allowed to participate in volunteer activities, I hereby agree to ASSUME THE RISKS OF PROPERTY DAMAGE, INJURY, ILLNESS, OR DEATH in any way associated with my participation in this activity. I agree to RELEASE, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS the organization, its officials, representatives, volunteers, and agents for any and all rights and claims for damages, including attorney fees I now, or may hereafter have, whether known or unknown, in law or in equity, and arising from or in any way connected with my participation in the Organization=s volunteer activities. I agree that the terms stated herein shall also serve as a WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK for my heirs, estate, executor, administrator, assignees, and for all members of my family.
Furthermore, I give my permission to have photos and /or video recordings taken of me or my child(ren) for publicity purposes during the Morgan Hill Freedom Fest events activities even though we will not receive compensation of any kind for appearing in such photos or video recordings.
I acknowledge that I have carefully read this WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK and fully understand that I am waiving any right that I may now or hereafter have to bring a legal action to assert any claim against the Morgan Hill Freedom Fest 4th of July events in connection with my participation in this volunteer activity.
Or, if you prefer to download and sign a hardcopy, you may do so here:
Patriotic Sing Needs
Setting up this amazing venue for 50+ 3rd and 4th grade kids is always a treat. The kids hand make patriotic signs that we hang-up to really set the mood. Having a few extra hands always comes in handy.
Family Music Fest Needs
Setting up tables and chairs, stages and canopies, helping to sell tickets or drinks to staffing key areas, there are no lack of opportunities to help us at this great event. Some tasty drinks for our volunteers and surrounded by wonderful friends in our community.
Freedom Run Needs
Who doesn’t like to get up early and run, even better who doesn’t like to get up early to setup so others can run. But this event allows families to exercise together, sometimes the only time they can do this since no school or work. A great way for friends and family to bond over a physical activity and really start the holiday off on the right foot.
Car Cruise n Show Needs
Helping organize 150 cars is only slightly easier than herding cats, but boy are they great looking cars. We would love the help of a few passionate people to help both before and after the car cruise to help us organize the vehicles and get them on the route on-time and safely.
Parade Needs
From safety marshals on the parade route, to staging marshals, to VIP liaisons and even food leads; the parade needs it all. If you have ever wanted to get involved in parade that has over 170 entries and over 50,000 people watching, this is your chance.
Fireworks on The GREEN Needs
Who doesn’t love pyrotechnics to help celebrate a birthday. But to pull off this event it takes a small army to help with setup and manage the crowd of people and vehicles that all want to watch the show. Come and help and we can promise you some of the best seats (and parking spots) available.