Fireworks on the Green - What you need to know…
In 2023, your FreedomFest team, together with our other partners in the City of Morgan Hill and Santa Clara County, has been carefully working over the past months to again ensure that our event is not only exciting and fun, but safe for everyone.
Freedom Fest will proceed with extra security, organizers say
While Morgan Hill residents and enthusiasts of public, family-friendly outdoor events may be growing weary of the recent uncertainties surrounding formerly annual gatherings, organizers of one of the city’s most popular celebrations vow to proceed as normal this summer.
And while it is ultimately up to the organizers of events like Freedom Fest, Taste of Morgan Hill and others to determine whether to host festivities under… READ MORE!
Morgan Hill Freedom Fest 2021 plans are on track
Morgan Hill Freedom Fest 2021 plans are on track
Article by: Michael Moore
Freedom Fest is back!
Freedom Fest is back with lots of family fun events including parade, fireworks.
Guest Article by Freedom Fest President Matthew Stein in Morgan Hill Life
2020 Freedom Fest goes virtual!
Freedom Fest 2020 goes virtual . . . celebrate America’s liberty online!