It’s time for our Freedom Fest Essay Contest once again!

Each year, following the selection of our annual theme, Morgan Hill Freedom Fest holds an essay contest for local youngsters. Because this is the 150th year of 4th of July activities presented without charge to our community, we are expanding our essay contest to include not only elementary school authors, but middle and high school authors as well! Our essay contest is open to young people who attend public and private schools as well as our community’s homeschoolers! This year’s Freedom Fest Theme is “Stars, Stripes and Stories.” Our writing prompt is to share a story about a service member, 4th of July, or a Morgan Hill Memory. Our contest is patriotic, not political.

Our Freedom Fest Essay Contest is sponsored by the Kiwanis of Morgan Hill. For years they have provided funds for awards and cash prizes, and shown support for our community’s young people. They eagerly agreed to include additional funds for our middle and high school winners. Our winning essays will be published in our Freedom Fest Program of Events. Also in our amazing program, you will find information about 4th of July events presented to you by Freedom Fest and a host of dedicated volunteers.

Essays are due April 4.  They may be submitted at Booksmart (handwritten essays are fine) or emailed to Winners’ names will be kept secret until parents are notified. Winners will be announced in their student’s classroom, at Booksmart, or at a school assembly. Due to the support of both the Morgan Hill Kiwanis and Morgan Hill Freedom Fest, winning youngsters receive t-shirts, trophies, and cash prizes. They will be our Guests of Honor at the Patriotic Sing on July 3 and as they ride on the Patriotic Sing Float in our annual parade. Even after 150 years, hometown 4th of July memories are still being made for our community’s youth. And, on this our 150th Anniversary, the memories we make in Morgan Hill will be even bigger and better!

Thanking You,

Karen Ann Crane
Chairperson: Freedom Fest Essay Contest and Patriotic Sing Coordinator
Morgan Hill Freedom Fest -or-

Essays are due Friday, April 4th:

  • Essays should be no longer than one page in length for students in Grades 2 and 3, and no longer than two pages for students in Grades 4 and 5.

  • Students should place their name, school, grade level, teacher’s name, and parent email on their essays.

  • Entries may be submitted via email to

  • Classroom teachers who use this as an assignment may submit class entries.

  • Essays may also hand-written and submitted at Booksmart or mailed to:


Winning essays will be published on our Freedom Fest Website and in Freedom Fest’s 4th of July Program of Events.

  • $100 1st Prizes to Winners in Primary and Upper Grades.

  • $50 2nd and 3rd Prize Winners in Primary and Upper Grades.

  • All six winners will receive trophies and T-shirts, and will be our Guests of Honor in the Freedom Fest Parade.

Winning essays will be published on our Freedom Fest Website and in Freedom Fest’s 4th of July Program of Events.

2025 Essay Winners… TBD

Read Essays Over The Years