Andrew N.

3rd Grade, El Toro Health Science Academy

Dear Armed Forces,

Thank you for serving our country and keeping us safe. Every day you wake up and fight for our country. You risk your life every day. You contribute and protect us every single day. I appreciate you every day. Thank you for making this country great, it wouldn’t be the same without you. Again, thank you for serving our country.

Sincerely, Andrew N.


Scarlett A.

2nd Grade, Ms. Patel

We celebrate the 4th of July as a birthday for America. The first 4th of July was in 1776. On that day, we signed the Declaration of Independence. By signing the Declaration of Independence, we became the United States of America and were no longer controlled by England. We celebrate this day by having firework shows, having parades, and singing songs that remind us why America is great. In Morgan Hill, we have a big celebration, and my favorite part is the “Patriotic Sing”. Singing songs about America reminds us that it wonderful to live in the United States of America.


Ximena Ruiz


El Toro Health Science Academy
3rd Grade – Mrs. Miceli

What does “Let Freedom Ring” mean to you? Well, to me, it means that you should be kind. For example, you can thank our heroes for what they did to help us in our times of need. It also means that everybody should have rights in this country. For instance, you can choose your job, school, and where you live. When I read a book about a boy who was a slave, I thought it was good that there is no more slavery. It also means you should always “Let Freedom Ring” free. When I look at the American flag, I thank the people who work so hard for “Letting Freedom Ring”.


Ricky Singh


Los Paseos Elementary School
2nd Grade – Ms. Abaglog

As the world faces a global pandemic were thankful that doctors are able to help us in the pandemic.

We all should be thankful the doctors, nurses and other medical staffs who are on the front line of beating Covid-19.

While many of us are trying to figure out how to stay away from people and social distancing these folks are gearing up for battle and running to help people. We should thank them for working 24hours to help people and staying away from their family and kids.

We owe a huge thanks to the heroes on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic. We love all the doctors in the world.


Liam L.


Barrett Elementary School
3rd Grade – Mrs. Jennifer Klem-Myers

Dear Mrs. Annie Jump Cannon,

My name is Liam Leyva. I am a third grader at Barrett Elementary School. You were my age in 1872. I want to thank you for all your great work studying the stars. I learned that you classified 300,000 stars, which was more stars than anyone else in the world. Not only that, you also created the system we use today to name the stars, called the Harvard Classification System. You were a stellar astronomer who became known as, “Census Taker of the Sky.”

I read that when you were a child, your mother helped you learn astronomy and physics at home. Right now, I’m also studying at home because our world is in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a very contagious disease going around. It made me sad to learn that in your time, you caught scarlet fever and became deaf. You inspired me because losing your hearing didn’t stop you. It made you work harder and study more.

In 1929, you were chosen as one of the “greatest living American women” by the League of Women Voters because you fought for women’s right to vote. You have a crater in the moon and an asteroid named after you! In 1994, you were inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Ten years later, Google gave you a Doodle, and Delaware honored you on a $1 coin last year.

I read that your personality has been described as “ebullient.” I didn’t know what that word meant. My mom told me I’m ebullient when she gives me back the power cord to my Xbox so I can play again. I learned that you were really good in astronomy because of your tidiness and your patience. I think I might be good at astronomy because I’m like everything to be tidy and organized. My family says I need to keep searching and praying for patience.

Last Christmas, I got a telescope. I’m looking forward to going camping with my mom and brother again so we can look at the amazing stars in the warm summer night sky. Thank you for being such an Amazing American Woman!


Liam Leyva


Primary Grade - 2nd Prize Winner


Intermediate Grand - Grand Prize Winner