Daniel T.

5th Grade, Barrett Elementary

When chaos and uncertainty looms, heroes who embody courage, and selflessness come. These are first responders, the steadfast preservers of our communities, who answer the call of duty with unwavering heart. Your commitment is unparalleled, and it is with gratitude that I give my thanks to you, brave men and women.

First, I express my appreciation for the sacrifices you make each day. You put your lives on the line to ensure the safety and well-being of others, often facing perilous situations without hesitation. Whether rushing into burning buildings to save lives, providing medical care at the scene of an accident, or confronting acts of violence, you show bravery in the face of adversity. Your commitment to protecting life and property is nothing short of heroic.

Moreover, you serve as beacons of hope and reassurance in times of crisis. Your quick response to emergencies instills a sense of security within our communities, offering support to those in need. Your compassion and empathy shine as you provide aid to those experiencing tragedy and hardship.

Additionally, I recognize the skill and expertise you hold in your respective fields. Through rigorous training and education, you equip yourselves with the knowledge and proficiency necessary to find the way through the most challenging of situations. Your professionalism and competence enable you to make split-second decisions under pressure, often with lives hanging in the balance. Your dedication to honing your skills ensures that you are prepared to confront any challenge with precision and effectiveness.

Moreso, I acknowledge the sacrifices you and your families endure. The demanding nature of your work often requires long hours, sleepless nights, and time away from loved ones. Yet, despite the inherent challenges and hardships, you remain steadfast in your commitment to serving others. Your resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity serve as an inspiration to us all, reminding us of the true meaning of selflessness.

In conclusion, the debt of gratitude owed to you, first responders, is immeasurable. Your unwavering dedication, courage, and sacrifice embody the very of America's spirit. As I reflect on your contributions to our communities, let me honor your service with the utmost respect and appreciation. To you, our first responders, I say thank you—for your heart, and your commitment to keeping us safe.


Karl S.

Grade 5, Mrs. Chappell

We celebrate the 4th of July because that's America’s Birthday. When I think about the 4th of July, I think of Morgan Hill’s 4th of July Parade, and our whole community gathering together to celebrate America’s Birthday.

I think of the 4th of July as a time to spend with family and friends, and honor all the military heroes who fought for our freedom. I think of the stars on our flag as well as the stripes. The stars represent all of our United States. The stripes represent the original thirteen colonies. The thirteen colonies that helped form America and the whole United States.

When I think about the 4th of July, I think about the songs that people enjoy singing around the 4th of July like patriotic songs. The patriotic songs that come to my mind are “The Star Spangled Banner”, “My Country Tis of Thee”, “God Bless America”, and many more patriotic songs.

When I think of the 4th of July, I think of how many versions and names the flag had before it was how it is today. The stars were based off of the Washington Headquarters flag; it started with five rows, and a two three two three pattern. This flag was important because it was anywhere General Washington was. The flag flew over battlefields, the headquarters or raised above soldiers marching.

Over time the flag has changed many times, every time a state was added, they added a star and a stripe, then they decided to keep 13 stripes to represent the 13 colonies. The stars would then represent the number of states. This is the flag we know today and flies high over our schools, at our government buildings, over our battleships, on our military heroes, uniforms, on our airplanes, and next to our homes on the 4th of July.

Another reason I love the 4th of July is to celebrate our country's heroes. Those heroes who have fought for our freedom, and those who have fallen. Our heroes protect us no matter what and sacrifice themselves to protect us. They had to go through hard training to get to where they are, and they give it their all. I think all of our heroes deserve more than what they get because they are giving up so much to fight for our country.

In conclusion, I like the 4th of July, and I’d personally like to thank everyone who has fought for us. Overall, the 4th of July is a fantastic day and we live in a community that celebrates it to its fullest. From the Patriotic sing, to the running race, the car show, parade, and fireworks our community comes together to celebrate the 4th of July. We are United as one celebrating our United States.


Jagger Benyamin


El Toro Health Science Academy
5th Grade – Mr. Downer

When I hear the phrase “Let Freedom Ring”, I think about how everyone should have freedom to say what they think is right and voice their opinions. And, just because people have different opinions and different skin colors, or nationality, doesn’t mean they’re different, they’re still humans and they all have feelings.

In some other countries, people don’t have the freedom to voice their opinion, they have to obey their government, but in the United States we have freedom but we still have laws. We are very fortunate to have freedom and have happiness. We should be grateful and not take it for granted.

Next, our military, protects us from enemies trying to take our freedom away. Imagine having an opinion on a subject but not being able to voice it. Also, in other countries people judge you because of your skin color and they say, “You can’t do this because of your skin color.”

Some countries don’t allow women to vote. The reason is because they are women. I don’t think it’s right that they don’t get to vote just because of their gender. Also, people shouldn’t judge people before getting to know them.

Finally, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that all people should have freedom of speech and that “If one African American is not free, then no African Americans are truly free”.

After all of those opinions of mine, that’s what I think “Let Freedom Ring” means.


Bella S.

“Honoring Our Heroes”

Charter School Morgan Hill
4th Grade - Ms. Chagnon

My hero doesn't have a superpower or super speed but my loving Grandpa has so much more than that. He is always there for me.

My Grandpa moved to California from Mexico to build a better life for himself. He had to learn a new language and a new lifestyle. In Mexico his family was really poor. He lived in a house with dirt floors. His life really changed from there on. He trained for the army and put all his hard work into it. After that he started a concrete business with my Great Grandpa and his brothers. He then got married to my Grandma and saved up all his money and built his dream house. As my dad got older he started working in the business. If my grandpa and my great grandpa started a concrete business, my dad would have never had a great childhood and would not have passed it down to me and my siblings. My Grandpa is the hardest worker I know.

My grandpa has taken me to school every morning since I was in preschool. I love the quality time we spend together in the car. We talk about when he was little and I love hearing his stories about his childhood and his time in the army. Sometimes he sings and it makes me laugh so hard. He always makes sure I have a great day. Every time he picks me up he says “Mija did you have a good day?’ I always answer with it was great and that makes him so happy. He always makes sure I am okay and will do anything to help me. He brings me food and always brings me a snack just in case I forgot one. If I am having a bad day he cheers me up and makes sure by the time I get home I am happy.

As you can see my Grandpa sacrificed many things in his life. He has impacted my life by showing me unconditional love. He has taught me I can do anything if I put my mind to it. I can't wait to one day take care of him the way he takes care of me. I promised him I’d never put him in a nursing home. The reason I'm writing this essay about my grandpa is he is the most important person in my life. He is so loving and caring I really don't care if I win or not. I just want people to appreciate how much my grandpa means to me. However I hope you enjoyed reading this essay and learned more about my grandpa and my family.


Tessa L.

El Toro Elementary
5th Grade - Mrs. Golubok

If I could write a thank you note to a woman of great accomplishments from the 20th century, if would be Rosa Parks. She is a hero to me and millions of others too. She helped others realize that all are equal no matter skin color nor other differences. She helped others find the courage to stand up for themselves and fight for equal rights. Now let me tell you how she accomplished all she did.

It started in the year 1955, when Rosa Parks was on her way home from work. Back then black people had to sit in the back of the bus while white people would sit in the front. She stepped on the bus and had a seat with two other women. That’s when the bus pulled up at a stop and three white people stepped on the bus. When the white people had nowhere to sit, the bus driver asked the three women to give their seats to the white people. Two of the women immediately followed instructions and stood up.

However, Rosa Parks did not stand up. She claimed she didn’t have to give up her seat because she was black. The bus driver warned her and said he would, in fact, call the police. Later that day, Rosa Parks was arrested and sentenced to prison for disorderly conduct. She was in prison for four days.

I find this story simply amazing because most people don’t have the courage to stand up for themselves in a situation like that. When she did this, she earned the nickname “The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement”.

She showed a lot of people that they could do anything they put their minds to. When she did this, she was courageous and brave. There are lots of people who count on what she did to help our country. With the help of Rosa Parks we have a free, and, equal country. Without her, kids at my school may not have as good of a life, or as loyal friends as they do. She made a change to our country and changed multiple lives.

Without Rosa Parks, our lives would be different. We may not have amazing experiences, or the most loyal friends. I know, for a fact, that without her help, I may not have the friends I do now.

We have many people in our lives to thank and honor. There are many people who can make a movement in our world or make a change to help others. All you need to know is that you’ll be helping others or making the right choice. Just remember to thank the people in your lives who help you out or help take care of you. There’s always room for people to make a change to our world.

So, I could write a thank you note to a woman of great accomplishments from the 20th century. She would be the person who made a change, fought for others, did what she believed was right and changed all our lives.

Rosa Parks.


Primary Grade - 3rd Prize Winner


Intermediate Grade - 2nd Prize Winner