Damian S.

5th Grade, Barrett Elementary School

During the Freedom Fest Essay Contest, I would like to consider my older brother. My brother is a part of the Armed Forces and has been in the Army since he was 18 years old. I’ve seen everything he went through which is why he came to mind.

Thanks to the military men and women for protecting our country and giving us freedom. We thank them for risking their lives to save us. We have to consider them because they go through wars, hard training, and more.

Armed Forces are not the only ones to thank but they are the ones who put themselves first in case of an emergency. I’ve come to learn how difficult it is to stay in the Armed Forces and be physically and mentally prepared for anything.

Thank you to the Armed Forces for training the soldiers the way they are supposed to be. Even if the soldiers have difficult times, they still protect our country and keep us safe and protect our freedom.

Thank you to all the hard-working people who make this country peaceful and safe. Thank you to my brother, Alex, who chooses to be a part of the Armed Forces. Going forward we should do better in the world since we have amazing people around us to protect it.


Asztryd B.

5th Grade – Mrs. Chappell

Playing in the sun on this year's 4th of July, isn’t just about the fireworks. It is about the history between the Fourth of July and our great Declaration of Independence! The real question is “Why do we celebrate the Fourth of July?” The Fourth of July is truly an amazing, and historical celebration.

“What historical accomplishment is celebrated by the Fourth of July?” Well, in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was founded and led us to freedom. Throughout history, our former leaders of the Declaration were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams. You see, they are the main reason we are here standing, being heard, and under our own blanket of rules. They wrote the Declaration of Independence for our chances of being free and to have better life opportunities, whether it's a job or anything in life! We celebrate our role models and the Declaration on the Fourth of July in an important, historical, celebration.

In order to get a clear picture, we need to know how life was before the Declaration of Independence. Facing this challenge back then, against Great Britain wasn’t easy, Great Britain used to own the Thirteen Colonies. Therefore, Great Britain was empowered to rule all colonies. The colonies were furious at how unfairly they were treated, and how little they got respect. They all deserved equal rights! Soon, came their heroes Thomas, Benjamin, and John. These three were heroes to all. They were the presidents who had introduced us to freedom and brought us to this point.

It took great leadership in order to make the Declaration of Independence a reality. First of all, they had to make great suggestions to be an independent citizen. Second of all, they had to convince their “king” to approve their request. The three presidents convinced their king, therefore they were now free but had to make their own rules. For this reason, they held a meeting in Philadelphia, where other historical meetings have played out.

One might think the importance of the Fourth of July is fireworks, the food, and celebrations. However, the spirit of the Fourth of July rests in that, thanks to this, we are free Americans! This means we are empowered to have a better life if we are willing to work hard. We have many options when it comes to culture and religion. This combination of differences makes us proud Americans from this great country.


Jenny Wheat


Barrett Elementary School
5th Grade – Mrs. Malek

“Let Freedom Ring!” We have all probably heard that phrase at least once in our lives and how it was said by the famous Martin Luther King, Jr. He was an inspiration to people all over the U.S. and stopped segregation. It’s been said over and over more than a thousand times, but what do you actually think of the phrase? When things are said multiple times they are often overlooked. So, sit down and listen to what I think of the words, “Let Freedom Ring!”

Around 1865, segregation had started. Black men, women and children were being told what they could and could not do, where they could not play on swings and slides. White people and black people were being separated because of the color of their skin. Often, black people were poor because all of the good paying jobs were given to white people. And to make this even worse there was a hate group called the “Ku Klux Klan” also known as the “KKK” or “The Klan”. They assaulted and/or murdered people who were black and not like them. They would leave burning crosses on their victim’s property. They wore white robes and pointed hats to hide their identity. Some black people would sleep with guns just in case they needed to defend themselves. This racism and hate were pretty normal back then!

Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King, Sr., his father, was a pastor; Alberta Williams King, his mother, was a school teacher. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the second oldest child of ten children. Growing up, he went to segregated schools (which was normal). In high school, he skipped two grades which meant he went to college at only 15 years old! Martin went to Morehouse College (which his grandfather and father went to as well) where he studied medicine and law. He also went to a graduate program at Boston University where he met his future wife, Coretta Scott. King and his wife made their home in Montgomery, Alabama, where he became pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. By this time, he had learned and achieved many things.

During the bus boycotts in 1955, King started to be involved with the movement to give rights to black people. In 1957, he and other activists founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). He was also voted to be the president of the SCLC. He led many protests and was never violent. But, just because he was never violent didn’t mean people, like officers, were nice or never violent to King and the demonstrators. Police attacked the peaceful demonstrators in protests. King was also arrested 29 times for “…acts of civil disobedience and on trumped-up charges” (from “5 ½ Things You Might Not Know About Martin Luther King, Jr”.) Then, on August 28, 1963, King made his most famous speech of all, “I have a dream.” And, in the speech came the phrase, “Let Freedom Ring.”

So what do I think of the phrase, “Let Freedom Ring”? I think it means that everyone is equal. Everyone should have rights, and we should show that! We should let people know that they matter and their rights have not been forgotten. We should try to do what King did, because he fought for what’s right and wanted freedom for everybody. Even though people would call him names and put him in jail, he was still peaceful, loving and forgiving. And, just like a bell, we should “Let Freedom Ring” and let it be known that everyone is equal no matter the color of their skin!


Julianna W.


Jackson Academy of Math and Music
4th Grade - Ms. Gallegos

There are many heroes in our world; one of mine is Kamala Devi Harris. She is a hero to many people including women and African Americans. She is a true leader. But how did she become what she is today?

Kamala Harris became what she is today in amazing ways. Her parents are Donald J. Harris and Shyamala Gopalan. Kamala was born on October twentieth, nineteen sixty-four in Oakland California. She graduated from Howard University and the University of California, and Hastings College of the Law. Kamala began her career in the Alameda County District Attorney's Office. Later she was recruited to the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office. She worked her way up to Vice President in 2021. Her husband is Doug Emhoff. Everything she has done and everyone she has met have morphed her into being the hero she is today.

One of the out of the world things about Harris is how she inspires everyone. She inspires women by becoming the first female Vice President and that shows a leap in our country that she played a part in. Harris is not just the first female Vice President but the first African American and Asian American Vice President too. Kamala Harris is a very inspiring person and to me, that makes her a hero.

There is so much more. I think Kamala is a hero for being herself. She does not let anyone tell her to stop from reaching her goal. Kamala is a strong woman and she follows her dreams. She has gone on a long trip to become our Vice President and has grown on every step. Kamala learns from her mistakes and is not afraid to admit them when she makes them. Harris is strong and loves what she does. To me she is a hero for never stopping on her journey to the spot she stands at today. She is a true leader and has proved that anything is possible. She has done the first half of the run, and now she has inspired us to do the next part to reach equality. She is truly my hero and will use her spot as our Vice president for good.

Kamala Devi Harris is an amazing person. She is a role model to women in the world. Her past inspired her as much as she inspires us. She has turned a step into a leap and will not stop any time soon. Kamala Harris is a hero to me and many people in the world.


Alana V.

El Toro Elementary
4th Grade - Mrs. Medaxian

“I may be compelled to face danger but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight , I can stand and feed and nurse them.” – Clara Barton –

If I can write a thank you note to someone it would be Clara Barton. She’s an American woman born in Oxford, Massachusetts in 1821. The reason why I would thank her is because she was a pioneering American who founded the American Red Cross.

She was also a hospital nurse in the American Civil War, a teacher and a patent clerk. Clara had a strong passion for helping and caring for others and I am thankful for her example.

The American Red Cross is an organization that helps everyone in need during different emergencies, especially emergencies that are caused by natural disasters. In founding the Red Cross, Clara has helped millions of Americans that are affected by many disasters. To this day the American Red Cross is still a great organization and we should thank Clara for her leadership and passion that continues to strengthen the Red Cross.

Clara also has helped inspire a lot of people to volunteer their time to help people in need. During the Civil war she helped nurse and care for our injured, sick soldiers even though it was a scary time. After the war ended, she reunited soldiers to their families and brought sad news to the families of soldiers that were missing. Her bravery and compassion towards helping others inspires me to want to help people in need and I am thankful to look up to her as a role model.

In conclusion, Clara Barton was a leader, role model, nurse, teacher and a very caring person. You can see how great she was through the work she put into the American Red Cross. She led us all with her example of kindness and caring for others and for that we should all be thankful. So, thank you Clara Barton for being my inspiration and for helping so many people.


Intermediate Grade - 2nd Prize Winner